I stumbled across this video this weekend and had to share (it’s just shy of four minutes long):
I’m not a student of choreography. I couldn’t tell you what kind of dance this is, or what it is that makes it work so well. I have no vocabulary for what I’m watching. I can’t tell you why the movement, cinematography, costuming, and song all come together like they do.
All I know is that watching this makes me want to dance, too—and maybe upgrade my wardrobe. And as far as I’m concerned, that’s a sign of a really good dance (or painting or song or play or whatever).
Art speaks to us best when it wakes up something in us that wants to participate with it.
I’m probably not going to go out and take a dance class; I’m not sure I’m limber—or coordinated!—enough to do anything remotely like this (though you never know!). But it’s still worth listening to the calls we hear that ask us to explore something new, or re-examine something we’ve done for a while but haven’t really paid attention to for a while.
What’s calling you?