One plus one equals two Two plus two equals four Four plus four equals eight Eight turned on its side equals infinity. Logic is an altar high on a hill we lay wreaths upon it and judge all who come by how much logic they bring to the altar. Wisdom is only a collateral offering. Wisdom may be discounted if it is recognized at all. One plus one equals two Two plus two equals four More equals better Less equals worse Eight turned on its side equals infinity. What is logic to the wind in your hair? What is logic to the sand between your toes or the fact that tonight your soul yearns to listen to Beethoven and tomorrow it will only want to hear the Beatles? What is logic to the one who gives up “more” in favor of “less” and ends up with more in return? What is logic to the eight-year-old who tells you with rock-solid certainty that eight turned on its side equals infinity? My eight-year-old soul knows that child is right just as much as he does. Logic is a servant not a master. I’ll take wisdom —wisdom of the soul, especially an eight-year-old infinitely old soul— over logic any day of the week. 4 September 2023
Logic, my dear Zoe, merely enables one to be wrong with authority.
—The Second Doctor