Just a quick note to let you know that my latest Creative Pep Talk is out!
I know, I know… if you’re like most people who consider themselves creative, the word “structure” is like fingernails on a chalkboard. I get it. I have to get past that impulse myself. But the fact is, structure really can be your best friend, especially if you’re having trouble getting things done.
Watch on YouTube or listen on your favorite podcatcher.
Want more tips? Check out this playlist with all my previous Creative Pep Talks!
If you enjoyed this episode, please forward this email to a friend. Thanks so much!
As I mentioned earlier this month, I’ve hit the fifth anniversary of the podcast! I’m planning to talk about what I’ve learned over the last five years, but I’m curious to know what questions you might have about my experience, too. (I’m sure other people will think of things I haven’t thought to ask myself!)
Drop a comment below and tell me what you’d like to know!