On the podcast this week, I’m talking to Kevin Jon Davies about his career as an animator and documentary director, and his new book about Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Dirk Gently, and Last Chance to See.
Kevin’s story includes meeting Douglas Adams as a teen, becoming an animator—including for the Hitchhiker’s Guide TV show—moving into directing, making 30th anniversary documentaries for Hitchhiker’s and Doctor Who in the same year, the quirks of working for the BBC, and being asked to put together his new book, 42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams, based on the assorted papers and mementos in the Douglas Adams collection at Cambridge University, which is out now.
Kevin showed up for this interview in his Disaster Area t-shirt and with an official Hitchhiker’s towel on display in the background, and I had my 1984 Infocom Hitchhiker’s game box, complete with all the assorted trinkets (“Don’t Panic!” button, Joo Janta Peril-Sensitive Sunglasses, and pocket fluff) inside.
It’s safe to say it’s a very geeky conversation. 😁 But if you’re not familiar with Douglas Adams, it should still be accessible (also, what are you waiting for??).
Listen on your favorite podcast app or at YouTube. (YouTube takes a little while to process, so if you don’t see it yet, it’ll be there soon!)
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