Quick reminder: I’m giving a free creativity workshop called Permission to Play on Saturday, May 11.
It’s easy for adults to forget that it’s okay to play—but that lack of play can keep us stuck! Join us for approximately 90 minutes and reconnect with your playful inner kid.
We’ll start at 1pm Eastern (New York) Time. Everyone is welcome, whether you have an existing creative practice or not. All you need is yourself, a pen or pencil, and some paper, though you’re welcome to bring materials for a quick drawing/doodle/etc. if you like.
We had a great time at the session yesterday, so I may add a third sometime soon, too—I’ll update you on that as I have details.
If you’d like to join us on Saturday—and I hope you will!—sign up here:
Please share this info with a friend!
I’ve been a bit under the weather this week, so I’m bringing back my conversation with Rahna Reiko Rizzuto, award-winning author of Why She Left Us, Hiroshima in the Morning, and Shadow Child.
Reiko tells us how her writing journey truly began with the discovery at age 30 that her Japanese-American mother and her family had been stripped of their citizenship and everything they owned and put in an internment camp during World War II. She also shares how she taught herself to write a novel, and teaches her students the same techniques.
Listen on your favorite podcast app or at YouTube. (YouTube takes a little while to process, so if you don’t see it yet, it’ll be there soon!)
Please share your thoughts in a comment!