I'd never heard of Loreena McKennitt before reading this post, Nancy. Thank you for the introduction! Her music is definitely transportive and her voice is lovely, like a mix between Joni Mitchell and Tori Amos. Nick Cave absolutely blew me away when I saw him perform live. A friend had an extra ticket and invited me along and I was just mesmerized by his stage presence and performance style. He's like a goth preacher and being at his show felt like church. I'm going to see him for the second time next Saturday. Can't wait!
I'm so happy to have introduced someone else to the wonder that is Loreena! :) I mostly know Nick Cave from the "Red Right Hand" in Peaky Blinders (which always makes me think of the Red Hand of Ulster, but they're apparently not related), and his answers to fan questions. I haven't read a lot of them, but the ones I have read are really thoughtful and insightful. I can see how that might translate on stage! I hope you have an equally great time next Saturday, and that you'll write about it somewhere!
I'll add here that I also never thought I'd get to see a-Ha, the Norwegian band that brought us "Take On Me" almost 40 years ago. I finally got my chance last year! If you're curious, you can hear me talk about that experience (and the lonely side of being an American a-Ha fan) on the Set Lusting Bruce podcast here: https://megaphone.link/PAN7830641301
I'd never heard of Loreena McKennitt before reading this post, Nancy. Thank you for the introduction! Her music is definitely transportive and her voice is lovely, like a mix between Joni Mitchell and Tori Amos. Nick Cave absolutely blew me away when I saw him perform live. A friend had an extra ticket and invited me along and I was just mesmerized by his stage presence and performance style. He's like a goth preacher and being at his show felt like church. I'm going to see him for the second time next Saturday. Can't wait!
I'm so happy to have introduced someone else to the wonder that is Loreena! :) I mostly know Nick Cave from the "Red Right Hand" in Peaky Blinders (which always makes me think of the Red Hand of Ulster, but they're apparently not related), and his answers to fan questions. I haven't read a lot of them, but the ones I have read are really thoughtful and insightful. I can see how that might translate on stage! I hope you have an equally great time next Saturday, and that you'll write about it somewhere!
I'll add here that I also never thought I'd get to see a-Ha, the Norwegian band that brought us "Take On Me" almost 40 years ago. I finally got my chance last year! If you're curious, you can hear me talk about that experience (and the lonely side of being an American a-Ha fan) on the Set Lusting Bruce podcast here: https://megaphone.link/PAN7830641301