Oh, Nancy! Sending healing energy your way and appreciate the levity around what sounds like a painful ordeal. And remember—"The First Rule of Fight Club: You Do Not Talk About Fight Club."

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It was not the best moment ever, for sure, but it could have been SO much worse. What else could I do but laugh? Admittedly, the lateness of the hour helped (I got to the ER just before 10pm and finally got home again at 3am). I never did get that doctor's note, but come on--I'm literally WEARING it. Who's not gonna believe me??

And I really wish I'd thought of the Fight Club thing before I got to work this morning and was deluged with a bunch of questions. That would have been the perfect response!!

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I second this, all of it! And don't forget the second rule of Fight Club: YOU DO NOT. TALK. ABOUT FIGHT CLUB.

Healing vibes!!!

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Thanks, Sarah! I was just reminded that tomorrow is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. I look like one, so I might as well talk like one, too! 😉

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The old classic: "You should have seen the other guy!"

But seriously, I hope you recover swiftly!

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Thanks, Katherine! I'm doing my best. And considering that the "other guy" is a very broken pair of glasses, it's true! "He" isn't in very good shape. ;)

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